Integra Trust is a special purpose trust set up to protect, support and broaden regenerative agriculture, the knowledge base therein and associated sustainable practices.


To contribute to a food secure South and Southern Africa through the production and distribution of accessible, affordable, safe and healthy food produced with integrity using sustainable and regenerative methods.

The Trust has access to a wide range of experts from various fields of specialisation who all unequivocally share the vision regarding broad-based restoration and the production of FOOD WITH INTEGRITY under the banner of HEAL THE LAND, HEAL THE PEOPLE. These experts operate through Integra Food and Integra Link, which are subsidiaries of Integra Trust. These companies have been established to support farmers to adopt regenerative agriculture principles and to rebuild degraded agricultural soil, in so doing, becoming more robust, rebuild soil structure and biology, where the biological services provided by nature are enhanced rather than destroyed. These companies’ respective areas of focus are: –

1.Integra Link

Promote the science, business and practice of regenerative agriculture in South and Southern Africa through the promotion of technical acumen, trade, mentorship, awareness, research and development, network development, constructive dialogue and all related aspects towards accomplishing the vision of Integra Trust.

2.Integra Food

To operate an e-based agricultural clearinghouse, with an e-registry for agricultural commodities and products which connects the producer with consumer, also accomplishing the vision of Integra Trust in a 4IR (Fourth Industrial Revolution) fashion.

Following from the above, the principal value of Integra Trust and its subsidiaries is:


 Who Are We?

  • Prof Dr Heinz Meissner: Integra Trust Trustee

    Before retirement Heinz was associated with the University of Pretoria in the position of Professor in Animal Nutrition and later as Director of the ARC’s Animal Nutrition and Products Institute at Irene where he managed the interface between animal production, product development and consumer science.  He is also a Professor Extraordinaire at the Onderstepoort Faculty of Veterinary Science.  Since retirement he is consulting for AgriSA, the Red Meat Industry and primarily also the Dairy Industry where he manages the R & D initiative of Milk SA.  Apart from animal nutrition and management, he has vast experience in environmental issues and represents South Africa on the Scientific Committee for the Environment of the International Dairy Federation.  One of his contributions in this regard is the argument that more emphasis should be put on carbon sequestration to limit the agricultural carbon footprint.

    Heinz has published more than 200 scientific publications and has received a number of recognitions, among others the Gold Medal from the SA Society for Animal Science, the Agricultural Writers Association’s award for Agricultural Scientist of the Year and the Person of the Year Award from the Animal Feed Manufacturers Association.  He is also known for the “Meissner-tables”, the livestock grazing capacity norms.